Monday, October 19, 2015

Sisters Make the World Go Round

When I was four my mom asked me if I wanted to have a baby sister. I answered her by saying, "I'm your baby." Obviously we didn't need any more babies!

"Another baby?!"

Nine months later I was no longer the baby of the family and 3 years after that the real baby of the family was born.Thankfully, I have grown out of my four-year-old mentality and am over joyed to have two little sisters.  I am the proud sister of older sisters and younger sisters and one brother. My life would be incomplete without them. Science has even proven that sisters increase mental health.

When I was young I wanted to be just like my oldest sister, Paige. I wanted to do the things she did, wear her clothes, eat her Skittles. We are now very close and talk on the phone almost daily. Paige taught me about boys and about how they should treat me. I tell her everything about my life and dreams and she interprets them. Paige is my best friend. I really think I would be crazy without her. 

Reunited after 19 months of being apart

Karyann is 19 months older than me. We shared a room from birth to her graduation (almost 17 years). While we didn't get along like angels, we still had some of the best times of our lives together. Karyann and I stuck together. I helped her put outfits together and she helped my put essays together. I helped her learn to dance and she help me learn to be a lot of who I am today. I could always count on Karyann. She is my best friend.

Can words express what's going on here?

This semester I am rooming with my younger sister, Hannah. We were the arguers growing up and as roommates we have had our quarrels and bickered but we have never grown so close. After a large disagreement with another roommate, Hannah and I are more dedicated than ever to sticking up for each other and keeping an eye out for the other. I have never been more grateful to have her as my sister. She is my counselor, my ally, my wing man, she is honest with me, she is loyal, and she is my best friend. I love Hannah. 

Hannah humored me by taking a sewing class! 

Last but not least is the sweet, spunky, hilarious McKayla. Mack. McKay. Mackadoodle. Mackintosh. I could go on. McKayla may be young but she is wise. She knows her sisters because she is observant so she knows how to serve or help when she is around. McKayla is funny. She can make a joke out of any situation. She always knows how to cheer me up and she takes it upon herself to make everyone smile. 

This is the day I got home from my mission

Don't underestimate the effect a sister can have in your life. Studies have shown that sisters help you be less likely to feel down. Sisters offer something that parents cannot. My sisters are the glue that has held me together through brake ups, through my mission, through college, through conflicts with roommates, and through the roads of life less traveled. Nothing can replace them. 

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