Saturday, October 10, 2015


Is it who you are or how you act that really sets you apart? Living in America you are in the land of endless possibilities, or are you? How can you become better than those who came before you?

The purpose of this life is to become better. It doesn't matter what circumstances you came from, you have to opportunity to change and to make a better life for yourself. Yet, many people simply just follow the traditions of their fathers. Never amounting for much more than their own parents. I knew someone who preferred living on the streets because that was what was comfortable for him. I couldn't understand him, that was the least comfortable thing I could think of. I think when people divide themselves into social classes it is similar to this. People aren't intentionally separating the rich from the poor, the rich are just more comfortable with those who are rich and the poor are comfortable with those who are poor.

I think that's a problem.

We may be in a land of endless possibilities but we have to stop limiting each other by prejudice and judgements we make. We can truly make America the land of endless possibilities if we see those around us with a clean lense. Each of us has incredible potential. We should want the people around us to achieve their potential.

I don't think we should be unrealistic but we should never undermine someone's confidence by telling them they can't succeed. So many people come here from other countries hoping to give their children better opportunities, who am I to tell them it can't happen? It can happen! Not only will encouraging and being more accepting to others lift and inspire them, it will bring people together in love and unity. We want a strong society and culture. Start a new culture in your home to see others as God does, His precious children with unlimited potential.

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